Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe Forum Positionen

Beate Geisser & Oliver Sanu

Dienstag 19.06. 19 Uhr via Zoom

Termin: 19. Juni

Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe Forum Positionen
am 19.06.2024 / 19h
online / https://hks-ottersberg.zoom.us/j/4600939761 / 460 093 9761


Beate Geissler & Oliver Sann

Beate Geissler and Oliver Sann are artist researchers and educators. In their work they are interested in exploring entanglements and interdependencies in the world and how human actions transform the planet and how those transformations alter our existence. Their work concentrates on inner alliances of knowledge and power, their deep links in western culture and the escalation in and transformation of human beings through technology. The themes of our work are drawn from our observations about climate change and its most significant contributor, the human being. Seeking indicators, embedded traces of human interaction, social habit, and shared emotional states is at the core of our work. This part of our research is as much informed by the discipline of cultural studies, with its emphasis on locality and specificity, as it is by my commitment to give expression to global issues of contemporary relevance, especially the socio-economical effects of climate change and global trade. They are interested in the shapes of collectivity, and in the collective structures of individuality.
Their work has been exhibited nationally and internationally in museums, galleries, and alternative spaces, including: the Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago; the Museum of Contemporary Photography, Chicago; the Fotomuseum Antwerp; the NGBK (New Society for Visual Arts) in Berlin; the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts; the Fotomuseum Winterthur in Switzerland; the Museum Ludwig in Cologne; MAST Foundation in Bologna, Italy; and German Pavillion at the Photography Biennial Dubai, UAE, the Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin and the Prada Foundation, Venice. They have been the recipient of a number of grants and awards, including: the Videonale Award from the Museum of Art, Bonn, Germany; the Herman-Claasen-Award (Cologne, Germany); production grants from the Graham Foundation, Chicago and a Humanities Without Walls Grant; they participated in the project Mississippi. An Anthropocene River (https://anthropocene-curriculum.org) and were awarded a residency at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin. They published four monographs: Return to Veste Rosenberg (2006), Personal Kill (2010), Volatile Smile (2013) and the bio-adapter (Oswald Wiener) / you won't fool the children of the revolution (2019). They are founding members of Deep Time Chicago an art/research/activism initiative formed in the wake of the Anthropocene Curriculum program at HKW in Berlin, Germany.



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